Men's Health Packages

1500฿ - 3800฿
Expire Date: 1st September - 30th November

Stay Ahead of Prostate Cancer: Essential Health Check-Up for Men

The prostate is a small gland located below the bladder and in front of the rectum, responsible for producing seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. As men age, the prostate can experience changes, including enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplasia) or cancer.

Key Points:

  • Prostate Enlargement: Common with age, leading to urinary issues such as frequent urination, difficulty starting or stopping urine flow, and a weak urine stream.
  • Prostate Cancer: Often develops slowly, with early stages showing no symptoms. Regular screening is crucial for early detection and effective treatment.
  • Screening Recommendations: Men should start regular prostate screenings at age 45 or earlier if they have risk factors such as a family history of prostate cancer.

Prevention and Care:

  • Regular check-ups and screenings
  • Healthy lifestyle including a balanced diet and exercise
  • Early intervention and treatment if problems arise

Pattaya Memorial Hospital offers comprehensive prostate health services, including screenings, diagnosis, and treatment options to ensure optimal care and well-being for men.

Who should undergo prostate screening?

An enlarged prostate is a condition that men should take seriously. Besides monitoring changes in urination, it’s advisable for men to consult a specialist starting at age 45. Early screening and preventive measures can help manage or treat this condition effectively.

Who should be screened for prostate cancer?

When detected early, prostate cancer can be managed with minimal impact on your daily life. However, if left unchecked, it can progress to a stage where treatment becomes much more challenging. Therefore, it is crucial to follow your doctor’s recommendations for regular prostate cancer screenings. Early detection allows for timely intervention, which can significantly improve treatment outcomes and quality of life.

Who should undergo male hormone testing?

Hormone testing can be performed at any age depending on the specific concerns. For example:

  • Children might need testing if they show signs of delayed development, slow growth, learning challenges, metabolic issues, lack of pubic or underarm hair, no beard growth, unchanged voice, or no growth in the size of the testes and penis as expected for their age.
  • Adolescents may require testing if they experience issues with emotional or behavioral regulation and concentration difficulties.
  • Adults might undergo hormone testing for sexual health concerns, such as reduced libido.
  • Elderly individuals often experience a natural decline in hormone levels, which can contribute to accelerated aging.

- These package prices include physician fees and hospital service charges but exclude the examination fee before surgical procedures, complications, and congenital diseases during the hospital stay.
-The hospital reserves the right to change prices and conditions without prior notification.

*For Men's General Health package, please abstain from eating or drinking for 8-12 hours prior to your check-up.

Promotion Period since 1st September 2024 until 30th November 2024